Caterpillar Room

3mnths to 2 years

In this room we have a maximum of 9 babies per day with 3 members of staff.
This small ratio allows us to make strong relationships with the babies to help
them settle and to feel as safe and secure as they do at home. Each baby will be
assigned a ‘Key Person’ who will provide the main daily care of your child, they
will also converse with parents on a daily basis, to make sure that the needs of
the child are being met appropriately, and that records of development and
progress are shared with parents and other professionals as necessary.
In the Caterpillar Room we focus on the three main areas of learning, which are:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Communication and Language Development
  • Physical Development

We encourage these areas of development by providing a range of sensory
activities, reading stories and doing lots of singing.


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Room Leader:

Kirsty Dearing


Lois Mitchell

Tiah Armitage

Holly Forbes